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Combining Multiple Pages into Single Page

This section explains how to print multiple pages onto a single sheet. The combine printing function allows you to economize on paper by printing multiple sheets at reduced size onto a single sheet.


  • The combine printing function cannot be specified when a custom size paper is selected. Select a standard size paper.


  • If the document contains pages with different original sizes, page breaks may occur.

  • If the application you are using also has a combine function, disable it. If the application's combine function is also enabled when the driver's combine function enabled, incorrect printing is likely.

  • For details about combining pages with different orientations and other advanced functions, see the printer driver Help.

  • By combining the combine printing and booklet printing functions, you can print multiple pages onto a single sheet and bind them to form a booklet. For details about booklet printing, see Printing on Both Sides of Sheets.