You can set conditions when using PostScript for printing.
Job Timeout
You can specify how long the printer waits before canceling the current job when the job is interrupted while being processed. If you select Use Machine Setting(s), enter a value between 0 to 999. (Default: 0)
Default: [Use Driver/Command]
Use Driver/Command
Use Machine Setting(s)
Wait Timeout
You can specify how long the printer waits before it denies receiving a job when the printer cannot determine when the job ends. If you select Use Machine Setting(s), enter a value between 0 to 999. (Default: 300)
Default: [Use Driver/Command]
Use Driver/Command
Use Machine Setting(s)
Paper Selection Method
You can specify how the source tray will be selected by specifying the default value for DeferredMediaSelection in PostScript.
Default: [Select Paper Tray]
Auto Select
The default value for DeferredMediaSelection is "true". The source tray that matches the paper setting specified in a print job will be selected.
Select Paper Tray
The default value for DeferredMediaSelection is "false". The source tray will be selected according to the media selection of PostScript Language Reference.
Swtchg btwn 1&2 Sided Prnt
You can specify which side of the paper to print on when the PS command is used to perform duplex printing and the "setpagedevice" command is entered.
Default: [Active]
Retains duplex printing, and prints pages after the "setpagedevice" command has been entered on the back side of paper.
Cancels duplex printing, and prints pages after the "setpagedevice" command has been entered on the front side of paper.
Data Format
You can select the data format from Binary Data or TBCP.
This setting is ineffective if a parallel or EtherTalk connection is used.
When binary data is sent from the printer driver when the printer is working with a parallel or USB connection, the print job is canceled.
Default: [TBCP]
Binary Data
When an Ethernet connection is used, the print job is canceled if:
The printer driver data format is TBCP and the data format selected using the control panel is Binary Data.
The printer driver data format is binary and the data format selected using the control panel is TBCP.
You can specify the resolution.
Default: [600dpi]
600 dpi
Orientation Auto Detect
You can specify orientation auto detect.
Default: [On]