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Registering a Protection Code to a Single User

1Display the Address Book screen.

  • When using the standard operation panel

    Press the [Home] key on the top left of the control panel, and press the [Address Book Management] icon on the [Home] screen.

  • When using the Smart Operation Panel

    Press the [Home] key on the top left of the control panel. Flick the screen to the left, and then press the [Address Book Management] icon on the Home screen 4.

2Check that [Program / Change] is selected.

3Select the name whose protection code you want to register.

You can search by the registered name, user code, fax number, folder name, e-mail address, or IP-Fax destination.

4Press [Protection].

Operation panel screen illustration

5Press [Destination] or [Sender] under "Use Name as".

Operation panel screen illustration

Both [Destination] and [Sender] can be selected at the same time.

6Press [Folder Destination] or [Sender] under "Protection Object".

7Press [Change] under "Protection Code".

8Enter a protection code using the number keys, and then press the [Hash] key.

9Press [OK].

10Close the Address Book screen.

  • When using the standard operation panel

    Press the [User Tools/Counter] key.

  • When using the Smart Operation Panel

    Press [User Tools/Counter] (Operation panel screen illustration) on the top right of the screen.


  • Specify a protection code of up to eight digits. You can also specify "Protection" without specifying a protection code.