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Reception Settings

This section describes the user tools in the [Reception Settings] menu under [Fax Features].

Switch Reception Mode

Specify the method for receiving fax documents.

  • Manual Reception

  • Auto Reception

Default: [Auto Reception]

For details about specifying this setting, see Receiving a Fax.

Authorized Reception

Specify whether or not unwanted fax messages are screened out.

Default: [Off]

Print Reception Time

Specify whether or not the received date, time, and file number are printed at the bottom of received fax documents.

Default: [Off]

Reception File Setting

Specify whether received faxes are first stored in the machine's memory and then printed after all the pages have been received, or printed immediately page by page without being stored.

  • Store

  • Print

Default: [Store]

Timer for Prohibit. Print.

You can specify time periods during which the machine can print files it receives.

If the machine receives a file during such a period, it prints the file immediately. Otherwise, the file is stored in the machine's print queue and will be printed when the next period begins.

Default: [Off]

If you select [On], specify the value in [StartTm.] and [EndTime] so that printing is prohibited.


Specify whether or not to smoothly print low-resolution documents that are received.

Default: [On]

Paper Tray

Specify the tray to supply paper for output.

  • Tray 1

  • Tray 2

  • Tray 3

  • Bypass Tray

  • Auto Select

Default: [Tray 1]