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Settings you can configure in the LAN-Fax driver's properties

This section describes the settings you can configure in the LAN-Fax driver's properties.

Application screen illustration numbered callout illustration

  1. Paper Size

    Specifies a paper size of the document you are sending. If a paper size is specified in the application, that paper size will be used. Otherwise, the paper size specified here will be used.

  2. Orientation

    Specifies a page orientation.

  3. Tray:

    Specifies a tray for printing received faxes.

    • Auto Select

      The size of prints is selected automatically to match the document size.

  4. Resolution:

    Specifies resolutions.

    • Standard

      Select this for a document with normal-sized characters.

    • Detail

      Select this for a document with small print.

    • Fine

      Select this setting if you want high image quality.

  5. Restore Defaults

    Restores the settings to their default values.

  6. Edit Address Book

    Click to open [Edit Address Book] dialog box.

  7. About...

    Displays the version of the LAN-Fax driver.

  8. Buttons

    • OK

      Click to save the settings and close this dialog.

    • Cancel

      Click to close this dialog without saving any changes.

    • Help

      Click to display Help.


  • The settings configured here are applicable for the current application only.