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Messages Displayed on the Control Panel When Using the Scanner Function

This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for the error messages that appear on the control panel. If a message not described here appears, act according to the message.




“Cannot find the specified path. Please check the settings.”

The destination computer name or folder name is invalid.

Check whether the computer name and the folder name for the destination are correct.

“Cannot find the specified path. Please check the settings.”

An antivirus program or a firewall is preventing the machine connecting to your computer.

  • Antivirus programs and firewalls can prevent client computers from establishing connection with this machine.

  • If you are using anti-virus software, add the program to the exclusion list in the application settings. For details about how to add programs to the exclusion list, see the anti-virus software Help.

  • To prevent a firewall blocking the connection, register the machine's IP address in the firewall's IP address exclusion settings. For details about the procedure for excluding an IP address, see your operating system's Help.

“Entered user code is not correct. Please re-enter.”

You have entered an incorrect user code.

Check the authentication settings, and then enter a correct user code.

“Exceeded max. number of alphanumeric characters for the path.”

The maximum number of specifiable alphanumeric characters in a path has been exceeded.

The maximum number of characters which can be entered for the path is 256. Check the number of characters you entered, and then enter the path again.

“Exceeded max. number of alphanumeric characters.”

The maximum enterable number of alphanumeric characters has been exceeded.

Check the maximum number of characters which can be entered, and then enter it again. For details about the maximum enterable number of characters, see "Values of Various Set Items for Transmission/Storage/Delivery Function", Scan.

“Programmed. Cannot program the destination(s) that is not programmed in the address book.”

The destinations selected while registering to the program contain a folder destination for which one of the following destinations is set:

manually entered destination, delivery server destination, WSD destination, or DSM destination

WSD destinations and DSM destinations cannot be registered to the program because they cannot be registered in the address book. For manually entered and delivery server destinations, register the destinations in the address book, and then try to register them to the program again.

“Scanner journal is full. Please check Scanner Features.”

"Print & Delete Scanner Journal" in [Scanner Features] is set to [Do not Print: Disable Send], and Scanner Journal is full.

Print or delete Scanner Journal. For details about Scanner Features, see "General Settings", Scan.

“The entered file name contains invalid character(s). Enter the file name again using any of the following 1 byte characters. " 0 to 9 " , " A to Z " , " a to z " , " . - _"”

The file name contains a character that cannot be used.

Check the file name set at the time of scanning. For details about characters that can be used in file names, see "Specifying the File Name", Scan.

“The entered file name contains invalid character(s). Enter the file name again using any of the following 1 byte characters. " 0 to 9 " , " A to Z " , " a to z " , " . - _"”

The file name contains a character that cannot be used.

Check the file name specified at the time of scanning. The file name specified in the Sending Scan Files to Folders function cannot contain the following characters:

\ / : * ? " < > |

The file name cannot start or end with a period ".".

“The program is recalled. Cannot recall the destination(s) for which access privileges are required.”

The program contains a destination for which the currently logged-in user does not have permission to view.

For details about how to set permissions, see Security Guide.

“The program is recalled. Cannot recall the destination(s) that is deleted from the address book.”

The destination stored in the program could not be called because it was deleted from the address book.

Enter the destination directly to send data separately.

“The program is recalled. Cannot recall the folder destination(s) with protection code(s).”

Destinations registered in the program contain a folder destination for which the protection code is set.

A destination for which the protection code is set cannot be called by the program. Cancel the protection code setting or send scanned files to the destination separately.