You can check and print out the printer's counter figures.
Show Counter
You can check on the display the number of prints made by the printer.
Indicates the total number of color originals printed using the printer driver's [Color] setting.
Indicates the total number of black and white originals printed using the printer driver's [Black and White] setting.
Indicates the total number of color originals printed using the printer driver's [Economy Color] setting.
You can print out the printer's page counts.
Total Full Color
Indicates the total number of color originals printed using the printer driver's [Color] setting.
Total Black
Indicates the total number of black and white originals printed using the printer driver's [Black and White] setting.
Total Economy Color
Indicates the total number of color originals printed using the printer driver's [Economy Color] setting.
Total Black+Economy Color
Indicates the total number of color or black and white originals printed using either the [Black and White] or [Economy Color] setting of the printer driver.
Total Duplex
Indicates the total number of originals printed using the duplex printing function. Prints on both sides of a sheet of paper are counted as one print.
Coverage Count.
Indicates the total amount (%) of ink used for the color options below:
Full Color Coverage
Black Coverage
Economy Color Coverage
Black+Economy Color Cover.
Coverage 0
Indicates a print coverage ratio between 0 and 5%.
Coverage 5
Indicates a print coverage ratio between 5 and 20%.
Coverage 20
Indicates a print coverage ratio of 20% and higher.
About coverage counter
"Coverage" means a coverage ratio, and a coverage ratio of 100 indicates the total amount of one ink used for all printable area on a sheet of paper. To find a coverage ratio, compare a coverage ratio of 100 with the actual consumption of ink.
The total amount of ink indicated by a coverage ratio of 100 varies depending on ink colors.
To specify a coverage ratio per page for multiple colors, calculate the total coverage ratios of the multiple colors.
A Full Color Coverage count:
(Full Color Coverage)=(Full Color Coverage (K))+(Full Color Coverage (C))+(Full Color Coverage (M))+(Full Color Coverage (Y))
Multiple color consumption on a sheet of paper
K: 3%, C: 8%, M: 7%, Y: 2%
(3% + 8% + 7% + 2% = 20%)
Full Color Coverage: 00000020
A coverage ratio calculation for full color printing per page:
(Full Color Coverage)/(Total Full Color)
Total Full Color: 00000888
Full Color Coverage: 00007692
7692 / 888 = 8.7%
Coverage Count. figures are rounded off to one decimal place.
Black and white files are counted as black and white prints even if color printing was specified.
The counter numbers you can check from the [Counter] menu on the display may differ from the counter numbers that appear on the system configuration page. For details, see Differences Between the Counter and the Total Counter.