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Gradation Correction Sheet

Reading the gradation correction sheet

The printed gradation correction sheet is read as shown below:

While comparing the gradation correction sheet and correction value of each color, K (black), M (magenta), and C (cyan)/Y (yellow) determine the required gradation correction and configure the settings using the control panel.

Gradation correction sheet illustration

  1. K (black) correction value

    Used to adjust the color printed when only black toner is used. The currently set correction value is printed in red.

  2. M (magenta) correction value

    Used to adjust the color printed when only magenta toner is used. The currently set correction value is printed in red.

  3. C (cyan)/Y (yellow) correction value

    Used to correct the colors printed when cyan and yellow are used. For C/Y (cyan/yellow), the correction value is determined based on a combination of these two colors, although panel settings are configured for each color.

  4. Setting value

    The value displayed is the one currently set when the gradation correction sheet is printed. This value corresponds to the value set on the control panel.