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Basic Procedure for Delivering Files


  • You must register destinations and senders in advance using the ScanRouter delivery software *1 installed on the delivery server.

*1 The ScanRouter delivery software is no longer available for sale.

1Press the [Home] key on the top left of the control panel, and press the [Scanner] icon on the [Home] screen.

Home key illustration

2Make sure that no previous settings remain.

If a previous setting remains, press the [Reset] key.

3Press [Delivery Dest.].

Operation panel screen illustration

4If necessary, specify the scan settings according to the original.

Operation panel screen illustration

Example: Scanning an original in colour mode.

  • Press [Scan Settings], and then press [Full Colour: Text / Photo] in the [Original Type] tab.

For details, see Various Scan Settings.

For details, see Entering the Subject of the E-mail to Be Transmitted via the Delivery Server.

5If necessary, press [Next Original Wait].

For details, see Waiting for Additional Originals.

6Specify the destination.

You can specify multiple destinations.

For details, see Specifying Delivery Destinations.

7If necessary, press [Sender Name] to specify the sender.

For details, see Specifying the Sender.

8Place originals.

If scanning does not start automatically, press the [Start] key.


  • By pressing [Manual Entry] on the network delivery scanner screen, you can send a file by e-mail via the delivery server's network. For details about entering the e-mail address directly, see Entering an E-mail Address Manually.

  • You can use the Message Disposition Notification function when sending e-mail via delivery server. An e-mail is sent to the sender selected in step 7, notifying him/her that the recipient has read his/her e-mail. To specify this setting, press [Recept. Notice].

  • To enable the Return Receipt function, you must specify the SMTP e-mail transmission settings using ScanRouter delivery software. For details about specifying this setting, see the ScanRouter delivery software manual. Note, however, that if the e-mail software used at the destination does not support Message Disposition Notification (MDN), e-mail notification that the e-mail has been opened may not be sent.

  • Register the sender's e-mail address using the ScanRouter delivery software in advance.

  • If you press [Preview] and then start scanning while [Preview] is selected, the Preview screen appears. You can use this screen to check how the originals are scanned and the scan setting used for scanning. After checking the preview, you can specify whether to send the file or not. For detail, see "How to Use the Screens on the Control Panel", Getting Started.

  • To cancel scanning, press the [Stop] key. Check the information displayed in the dialog box, and then press any button.

  • You can also store a scan file and simultaneously deliver it. For details, see Simultaneous Storage and Delivery.

  • After scan files are delivered, the destination, sender, and subject fields will be automatically cleared. If you want to preserve the information in these fields, contact your local dealer.