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S19. Fin Leng Adj in Fd Dir for Syn Ct (Fine Length Adjustment in Feed Direction for Synchro Cut)

Illustration of available on both RP-GL and RP-GL/2

This print setting is useful if the bottom edge of the drawing data appears cropped or faded when "43. Auto Select paper Input" is set to "Long Edge & R/E Ratio (Size Adjust)" and "47. Method to Determine Orig. Size" is set to "Entire Image".

Default: 0: None


  • Selecting "1: Add 1 mm (Feed Dir)" increases the frame size, and it may affect the billing counter as a result.

  • When "1: Add 1 mm (Feed Dir)" is selected the value derived by adding 1 mm is printed as "Custom Size" in the Print Settings List (RPGL).

  • This function does not apply if the calculated length exceeds the maximum custom-sized length.