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Images of E-mail Received on a Computer

When you send a fax to an e-mail address (specified as an e-mail or Internet Fax destination), the subject and messages of the e-mail are shown as follows.

The received image varies according to the e-mail application.


  • If [Require Secure Password Authentication (SPA) for all client connections] is selected in Windows Server 2003/2003 R2/2008/2008 R2, e-mail reception is not possible.

OS screen illustration numbered callout illustration

  1. E-mail transmitted without specifying a subject in [Send Settings].

  2. E-mail transmitted with a subject specified in [Send Settings].

  3. From

    The name (e-mail address) of the sender

  4. Date

    The date and time of e-mail transmission

  5. To

    The e-mail address of the recipient

  6. Subject

    Shows the subject specified in [Send Settings] at the time of transmission. If no subject is specified, one is automatically assigned in the format shown in 1 above.

  7. Attachment File

    Any document included by the sender is displayed as an attached document.

  8. Message

    The following information is always inserted in the e-mail text:

    "This E-mail was sent from "Host Name" (product name) Queries to: "Administrator's e-mail address""

    You can check the machine's host name and administrator's e-mail address in [Host Name] and [Administrator's Email Address] on the System Settings menu. For details about [Host Name] and [Administrator's Email Address], see "System Settings", Connecting the Machine/ System Settings.


  • The display format of the sender name differs according to that of the Stamp Sender Name setting and other functions.

  • The display format of the subject varies according to Stamp Sender Name and other settings. For the format of the subject, see Auto-Generated Subjects for Internet Fax/E-mail.