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Printing the Journal Manually

To print the Journal manually, select the printing method: "All", "Print per File No.", or "Print per User".


Prints the results of communications in the order made.

Print per File No.

Prints only the results of communications specified by file number.

Print per User

Prints the results of communications by individual senders.

1Press [Comm. Status/Print].

Operation panel screen illustration

2Press [Print Journal].

3Select the printing method.

4If you selected "Print per File No." in step 3, enter a 4-digit file number using the number keys.

5If you selected "Print per User" in step 3, select a user from the list, and then press [OK].

6Press the [Start] key.

7Press [Exit] twice.


  • For the maximum number of communication results printed in the Journal, see Maximum Values.