Unauthorized Copy Prevention Stg.
Select whether or not to specify unauthorized copy prevention on the machine.
Default: [Off]
Setting Priority (Drvr/Cmnd/Mach)
Select the unauthorized copy prevention setting on which to prioritize.
Prints documents using the settings specified in the printer driver or commands.
Drvr/Cmnd (Most Stgs)
Prints the background pattern, color, and density as specified on the machine. For other items, the settings configured in the printer driver or commands are applied when printing.
Machine Setting(s)
Prints documents using the settings specified on the machine regardless of the printer driver settings.
Default: [Driver/Command]
Unauthorized Copy Prevention Type
Select the Unauthorized Copy Prevention type to use.
Data Sec. for Copying
If the printed document is copied, scanned, or stored in the Document Server using a copier or MFP that has the optional Copy Data Security unit installed, images in the document are covered with gray overprint.
Unathd. Copy Prev.: Ptn.
Embeds texts and background images for Unathd. Copy Prev.: Ptn. on the printed document. When the printed document is copied, scanned, or stored in the Document Server, a text pattern appears on the background of the document to prevent illegal copying.
Default: [Unathd. Copy Prev.: Ptn.]
Mask Type for Patrn./Density/Effect
Configure the background pattern, density, and effect you want to use.
Mask Type for Pattern
Select the pattern to be embedded in the background of the printed documents. The available options are as follows:
None, Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, Type 7, Type 8, Type 9, Type 10
Default: [None]
Pattern Density
Select the density of the background pattern.
Default: "3"
Data Sec for Copy Efct
Select the effect of data security for copying that will be applied to the copied or printed document.
Text and Background
Background Only
Default: [Text and Background]
Preventn. Ptrns. Effect
Select the effect of unauthorized copy prevention for pattern that will be applied to the copied or printed document.
Text and Background
Rvrse Ptrns (Text/BG)
Background Only
Text Only
Default: [Text and Background]
Prevention Text Settings
To prevent unauthorized copying, configure settings by specifying line spacing, text positions, or other items.
Text Selection
Enter the text to be embedded on the printed documents to prevent unauthorized copying. The available options are as follows:
Do not Specify, Unauthorized Copy, Illegal Copy, Void, Do not copy, Copy Restricted, Copy Prohibited, Controlled Document, Confidential Document, In Confidence, In Strictest Confidence, Confidential, PC Login User Name, File Name, Date & Time, PC Lgn UsrNam+FileNam, PC Lgn UsrNam+Dat&Tm, File Name+Date&Time, PC LgnN+FileN+Dat&Tm, User Text 1, User Text 2
Default: [Unauthorized Copy]
Program/Change User Text
Register any text that you want to be embedded for unauthorized copy prevention. Once registered, the text you want to use can be selected from [Text Selection].
PCL Fonts for Texts
Specify the font type to be used for the copy prevention text when using the PCL.
Default: [Arial]
PS Fonts for Texts
Specify the font type to be used for the copy prevention text when using PostScript 3.
Default: [Arial]
Point Size
Specify the font size of the copy prevention text by entering a value between 50 and 300 points using the number keys.
Default: "70" points
Carriage Return Space
Specify the spacing of the lines between text by entering a value from 50 to 300 points using the number keys. This setting is displayed if a value other than [Off] is specified for [Repeat Text].
Default: "70" points
Text Angle
Specify the rotation angle of the text. When a larger number is specified, the text is rotated counter-clock wise around the middle of the text string. Specify an angle between 0 to 359 degrees using the number keys.
Default: "30" degree(s)
Text Position
Select the position where the text is inserted. This setting is displayed if 0 degrees is specified as the value for [Text Angle] and [Off] is specified as the value for [Repeat Text]. The available options are as follows:
Top Left, Top Centre, Top Right, Centre, Bottom Left, Bottom Centre, Bottom Right
Default: [Centre]
Repeat Text
The text is printed repeatedly and down the page beginning the upper left corner of the page. If [On: Rot 180deg on Ret] is selected, each line of the text that is separated by a line feed will be rotated 180 degrees.
On: Rot 180deg on Ret
Default: [Off]
For details about how to change the Printer Features, see "Accessing User Tools", Connecting the Machine/ System Settings.
Unauthorized copy prevention can be specified in Web Image Monitor and in the printer driver. For details about how to configure the settings, see Printing Documents that are not Allowed to Duplicate.