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When Scanning Is Not Done As Expected

This section describes causes and remedies when scan results are not as expected.




The scanned image is dirty.

The exposure glass, scanning glass, exposure glass cover, or ADF is dirty.

Clean them. See "Maintaining Your Machine", About This Machine.

The image is distorted or out of position.

The original was moved during scanning.

Do not move the original during scanning.

The image is distorted or out of position.

The original was not pressed flat against the exposure glass.

Make sure the original is pressed flat against the exposure glass.

The scanned image is upside down.

The original was placed upside down.

Place the original in the correct orientation. See "Setting of Original Feed Type", Scanner ReferenceIllustration indicating instructions stored on a CD-ROM.

No image results from scanning.

The original was placed with the front and back reversed.

When the original is placed directly on the exposure glass, the side to be scanned must face down. When the original is inserted into the ADF, the side to be scanned must face up.

Images are scanned in rotated.

If you set the original with its top edge backward and save full color/gray scale images as a TIFF or JPEG file, they are scanned in rotated.

When placing an original directly on the exposure glass, align its top edge flush against the left side of the exposure glass.

When inserting a stack of originals into the ADF, insert them top edge leading in. For details, see "Setting of Original Feed Type", Scanner ReferenceIllustration indicating instructions stored on a CD-ROM.

The scanned image contains white spaces.

  • If you scan originals using functions other than the network TWAIN scanner function, certain paper size and resolution settings may produce scanned images that are larger than the specified size because of margins being added to the sides.

  • If the File Format Converter (optional) is installed, the margins may become wider.

Scanning at a higher resolution may reduce the margins.

The scanned image is grayed out or a text pattern appears in the background.

You have scanned a copy guarded document protected from unauthorized copying.

Check the document. For details about how to prevent unauthorized copying of the document, see "Preventing an Unauthorized Copy", About This Machine.

After an original is scanned, the following settings are canceled:

Destination, Sender, E-mail text, Subject, and File name

To prevent the scanned data being sent to the wrong destination, this machine has a function that cancels the settings once the scanned data is sent.

Contact your sales or service representative for details about how to prevent the settings being automatically reset after the scanned data is sent.