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Basic Procedure for Sending Scan Files Using WSD

This section explains the basic procedure for sending scan files using WSD (Push Type).


  1. Make sure that no previous settings remain.

    If a previous setting remains, press the [Clear Modes] key.

  2. If the E-mail screen, Scan to Folder screen, or network delivery scanner screen is displayed, switch to the WSD scanner screen.

    For details, see "Switching to the WSD Scanner Screen".

    Operation panel screen illustration

  3. Place originals.

  4. If necessary, press [Scan Settings] to configure the scan settings.

    Operation panel screen illustration

    Note that only [Erase Border] can be specified directly from this machine. Use the client computer to configure the other scan settings. For details, see "Changing a Scan Profile".

  5. If necessary, specify the scanning density.

    For details, see "Adjusting Image Density".

  6. If necessary, press [Original Feed Type] to configure the original orientation settings.

    For details, see "Setting of Original Feed Type".

  7. Specify the destination.

    For details, see "Specifying the Destination Client Computer".

  8. Press the [Start] key.

