Depending on the file format you select, the following limitations will apply:
Single Page [TIFF / JPEG]
Originals scanned in black and white are sent as TIFF files.
According to the settings specified for [Compression (Grey Scale / Full Colour)] under [Scanner Features], originals scanned in full color or gray scale are sent in one of the following file types:
[On] : JPEG file
[Off] : TIFF file
Multi-page [TIFF]
When full color, gray scale, or [Auto Colour Select] is specified under [Original Type] and [Compression (Grey Scale / Full Colour)] is set to [On] under [Scanner Features], you cannot select [TIFF] under [Multi-page].
Even if you select [TIFF] under [Multi-page], files stored in JPEG format are automatically changed to multi-page PDF files and then sent.
High Compression PDF
You cannot select [High Compression PDF] if:
[Store to HDD Send] is selected under [Store File].
[Black & White: Text], [B & W: Text / Line Art], [B & W: Text / Photo], [Black & White: Photo], or [Auto Colour Select] is selected under [Original Type].
[100 dpi] is selected as the resolution.
[Preview] is selected.
The machine is working with the ScanRouter delivery software and the Capture function is in use. For details about the capture function, see the manuals provided with the ScanRouter delivery software.
Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 / Adobe Reader 6.0 and later versions support High Compression PDF.
High Compression PDF files cannot be displayed correctly using DeskTopBinder Easy Viewer. For details about the capture function, see the manuals supplied with the ScanRouter delivery software.