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Updating procedure varies depending on whether the machine IP address is static or acquired by DHCP.


  • Dynamic update using message authentication (TSIG, SIG(0)) is not supported.

For a static IPv4 setting

If the IP address or host name is changed, the A and PTR records are updated. If the A record is registered, CNAME is also registered. CNAMEs that can be registered are as follows:

  • Ethernet and IEEE 802.11

    RNPXXXXXX (XXXXXX represents the last 3 hexadecimal bytes of the MAC address)

    However, if CNAME (PRNXXXXXX) overlaps with the host name, CNAME will not be registered.

For DHCPv4 settings

As a substitute for the machine, the DHCP server updates the record, and one of the following occurs:

  • When the machine acquires the IP address from the DHCP server, the DHCP server updates the A and PTR records.

  • When the machine acquires the IP address from the DHCP server, the machine updates the A record, and the DHCP server updates the PTR record.

If the A record is registered, CNAME is also registered. CNAMEs that can be registered are as follows:

  • Ethernet and IEEE 802.11

    RNPXXXXXX (XXXXXX represents the last 3 hexadecimal bytes of the MAC address)

For IPv6 settings

This machine updates the AAAA record and PTR record.

It also updates CNAME when the AAAA record is updated.

When a stateless address is newly set, it is automatically registered on the DNS server also.


  • When the dynamic DNS function is not used, records managed by the DNS server must be updated manually, if the machine's IP address is changed.

  • To update the record using the machine, the DNS server has to have one of the following:

    • No security settings are made.

    • If security settings are made, an IP-specified client (this machine) permits updating.