Skip headerPro C651EX/C751EX

Startup Setting Screen

This section explains the various items on the Startup Setting screen.

For details about operations you can perform using this screen, see "Startup Setting".

Web browser screen illustration numbered callout illustration

  1. [Back]

    Click this to return to the [Configuration] menu of the Web Image Monitor.

  2. [Start Up/Stop]

    Click this to set the selected extended feature to either "Starting Up" or "Stop".

  3. [Priority/Cancel]

    Click this button to set the "Priority" of the selected Type-J extended feature, or cancel the "Priority" setting. For details, see "Setting Priority".

  4. Extended feature list

    Displays a list of installed extended features.


    • Click the radio button of the extended feature you want to set to "Starting Up" or "Stop". Click [Start Up/Stop] after selecting.

    • Click the radio button of the Type-J extended feature to set or whose "Priority" setting you want to cancel. Click [Priority/Cancel] after selecting.

    Extended Feature Name

    Displays the names of extended features.


    Displays an information screen for the extended feature, which allows you to check its [Properties] icon. For details, see "Extended Feature Info".


    If multiple Type-J *1 extended features are installed, they are displayed according to "Priority".


    Displays the types of extended features. For details, see "Types of Extended Features".


    Displays the status of extended features.

    • Starting Up

      Extended features are activated.

    • Stop

      Extended features are deactivated.

    • Suspend

      Only Type-J *1 extended features are displayed.

      Extended features are activated but are in standby status. You must reboot before you can use these features.

    • Waiting

      Only Type-C *2 extended features are displayed.

      Extended features are activated once the device is rebooted.

    • Ending

      Only Type-C *2 extended features are displayed.

      Extended features are shut down once the device is rebooted.


    Displays brief summaries of extended features.


    Displays the versions of extended features.

    Allocated to

    Displays the name of the function key allocated to the extended feature.

    Startup Location

    Displays the locations where extended features are installed.

    *1 Embedded Software Architecture Application Java language version

    *2 Embedded Software Architecture Application C language version

