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Downloading Stored Documents with Web Image Monitor

You can download stored documents to the computer with Web Image Monitor.

Documents saved under the scanner function can be downloaded as PDF, JPEG, or Multi-page TIFF files.


  • Documents saved under the copy or printer function cannot be downloaded with Web Image Monitor.

1Start a Web browser.

2Enter “http://(IPv4 address, IPv6 address or host name of this machine)/” in the address bar.

When entering an IPv4 address, do not begin segments with zeros.

For example: If the address is “”, you must enter it as “” to connect to the machine.

The top page of Web Image Monitor will be displayed.

3Click [Document Server].

4Click Icon illustration of the document you want to download.

5Select the format for the file you want to download, and then click [Download].

6Click [OK].


  • You can change the format of the list. Click the Icon illustration (Thumbnails), Icon illustration (Icons), or Icon illustration (Details).

  • You can select [JPEG] only for files that are full color or gray scale and compressed using the scanner function.

  • If you are using Internet Explorer 8, downloading will be slower than with other browsers. To download faster with Internet Explorer 8, open the browser's [Internet Options] menu and register the machine's URL as a trusted site. Then disable SmartScreen filter for trusted sites. For details about these settings, see the Internet Explorer 8 Help files.