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Forwarding Received Documents

This machine can forward received documents to other destinations programmed in this machine.

Illustration of forwarding received documents


  • To use this function, specify the Forwarding destination in advance. Forwarding can be specified under Forwarding on the Facsimile Features menu. See “Forwarding”.


  • A fax destination, IP-Fax destination, Internet Fax destination, e-mail destination, or folder destination can be set as a forwarding destination.

  • If the receiver is an Internet Fax/e-mail destination, e-mail can be encrypted and forwarded with a digital signature. Use both “Forwarding” on the Facsimile Features menu and Web Image Monitor to specify whether or not to apply encryption and a digital signature. See “Forwarding”.

  • If you would like the machine to forward received documents to a particular destination according to the sender, specify the Forwarding destination for each sender under Facsimile Features, Program Special Sender. Documents from other senders are forwarded to the default Forwarding destination specified for this function. For details about Program Special Sender, see “Special Senders to Treat Differently”.

  • You can set whether or not the Folder Transfer Result Report is transmitted to the specified e-mail address if folders are programmed as the forwarding destinations to which documents are sent from all senders or Special Senders.

  • For the maximum number of destinations you can register in a group, see “Maximum Values”.

  • With “Reception File Setting” of “Facsimile Features”, you can specify whether or not to print or store forwarded documents with User Parameter (switch 11, bit 6) in the Facsimile Features menu.

  • The Facsimile Features menu provides a user parameter setting (switch 32, bit 0) that allows you to select a priority order for alternative destinations for sent documents. When this parameter is set, if the specified receiver is a group destination that includes an address not registered for the specified transmission type, the document is routed to an alternative destination.

  • User Parameters (switch 37, bit 4) on the Facsimile Features menu allows you to include the sender's name in the names of files sent to folders.

  • Garbling of the file name and data loss can result if the receiver's operating system cannot accept certain characters in file names. To prevent this, use User Parameters (switch 37, bit 5) to limit the file names to plain characters only.

  • If you limit file names to plain characters only but errors still occur, disable display of the sender's name in the file name of documents forwarded to folders.

  • For details about Parameter Setting, see “Parameter Settings”.