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Whole Area Repeat

Repeatedly copies the entire image.

The number of repeated images depends on the original size, paper size, and reproduction ratio. For example, see the following table:

Original: A5Portrait/Copy paper: A4Portrait, Original: A5Landscape/Copy paper: A4Landscape, Original: 51/2 × 81/2Portrait/Copy paper: 81/2 × 11Portrait, or Original: 51/2 × 81/2Landscape/Copy paper: 81/2 × 11Landscape

4 repeats (71 %)

16 repeats (35 %)

Illustration of Image Repeat

Illustration of Image Repeat

Original: A5Portrait/Copy paper: A4Landscape, Original: A5Landscape/Copy paper: A4Portrait, Original: 51/2 × 81/2Portrait/Copy paper: 81/2 × 11Landscape, or Original: 51/2 × 81/2Landscape/Copy paper: 81/2 × 11Portrait

2 repeats (100 %)

8 repeats (50 %)

32 repeats (25 %)

Illustration of Image Repeat

Illustration of Image Repeat

Illustration of Image Repeat

  1. Select the size of copy paper and the reproduction ratio.

  2. Press [Edit / Color].

    Operation panel screen illustration

  3. Press [Edit Image].

  4. Press [Image Repeat].

  5. Make sure that [Whole Area] is selected, and then press [OK].

  6. Press [OK].