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Security Options Menu Parameters

This section explains about parameters that can be set on the security options menu.

Extended Security

Depending on the setting of the printer, some of the settings listed below may not appear.

Driver Encryption Key

Specify the driver encryption key.

Encrypt Address Book

Select whether or not to encrypt the printer's address book data.

Default: [Off]

  • On

  • Off

Restrict User Info.Display

Select whether or not to display user information as "********" when checking job information without being authenticated through user authentication.

Default: [Off]

  • On

  • Off

Enhance File Protection

Select whether or not to automatically lock password-protected print files if an invalid password is entered ten times. When a file is locked, you cannot select them even if the correct password is entered.

Default: [Off]

  • On

  • Off

Settings by SNMPv1 and v2

Select whether or not to prohibit changes to the printer settings through access using SNMPv1, v2 protocol.

Default: [Do not Prohibit]

  • Prohibit

  • Do not Prohibit

Simple Encryption

Select whether or not to use apply simple encryption (restrict usage) when enhanced encryption cannot be used.

Default: [Do not Restrict]

  • Restrict

  • Do not Restrict

Authenticate Current Job

Select whether or not authentication is required for operations such as canceling jobs. If set to [Login Privilege], only authorized users or your administrator can operate the printer. If set to [Access Privilege], users who sent a print job or your administrator can operate the printer.

Default: [Off]

  • Login Privilege

  • Access Privilege

  • Off

Password Policy

Specify the format of passwords: types of characters to be used and minimum length.

Valid characters for passwords are upper-case letters, lower-case letters, decimal numbers, and symbols such as #. If complexity is set to [Level 1], passwords must use two types of these characters; if set to [Level 2], three types.

  • Complexity Setting

    Default: [Do not Restrict]

    • Level 2

    • Level 1

    • Do not Restrict

  • Minimum Character No.

    If set to 0, minimum length is not specified.

    Default: 0

    • Between 0 to 32

@Remote Service

Select whether or not to prohibit @Remote Service. If you would like to set to Prohibit, contact your service representative.

Default: [Do not Prohibit]

  • Prohibit

  • Do not Prohibit

Update Firmware

Select whether or not to prohibit Update Firmware. If you would like to set to Prohibit, contact your service representative.

Default: [Do not Prohibit]

  • Prohibit

  • Do not Prohibit

Change Firmware Structure

Select whether or not to prohibit Change Firmware Structure. If you would like to set to Prohibit, contact your service representative.

Default: [Do not Prohibit]

  • Prohibit

  • Do not Prohibit

Service Mode Lock

Select whether or not to prohibit entering service mode. This setting may not appear depending on the setting of the printer.

Default: [Off]

  • On

  • Off

Firmware Version

Display the firmware version of the printer.

Network Security Level

Specify the network security level.

Default: [Level 0]

  • Level 0

  • Level 1

  • Level 2

Auto Erase Memory Setting

Select whether or not to automatically delete memory. When set to on, specify the overwrite times. To specify the number of memory overwrites, select [Random Numbers]. This setting appears only when the optional data overwrite security unit is installed.

Default: [Off]

  • On


    • NSA

    • DoD

    • Random Numbers

      Number of Erase: Between 1 to 9

  • Off

Erase All Memory

Select to delete all data inside the memory. When deleting memory, specify the overwrite times. To specify the number of memory overwrites, select [Random Numbers]. This setting appears only when the optional data overwrite security unit is installed.

Default: [Random Numbers]


  • NSA

  • DoD

  • Random Numbers

    Number of Erase: Between 1 to 9

Transfer Log Setting

You can select whether or not to send log information to the log collection server.

Default: [Off]

  • On (Only available from the log collection server.)

  • Off

Machine Data Encryption

Encrypt data stored on the hard disk. Once you encrypt the data, the following menus appear on the control panel display. This setting appears only when the optional HDD encryption unit is installed.

  • Update Encryption Key

    Update the encryption key.

  • Cancel Encryption

    Cancel the encryption settings.

  • Print Encryption Key

    Print the encryption key.