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Deleting Stored Print files

If the printed document is no longer required, you can delete the Stored Print files.

  1. On the machine's control panel, press the [Printer] key to display the printer screen.

  2. Press [Print Jobs].

  3. Press [Stored Print Job List].

    A list of print files stored in the machine appears.

    Depending on the security settings, certain print jobs may not be displayed.

  4. Select the file you want to delete by pressing it.

    To cancel a selection, press the highlighted job again.

  5. Press [Delete].

    A confirmation screen appears.

  6. Enter a password using the number keys on the password screen, and then press [OK].

    A confirmation screen will appear if the password is not entered correctly. Press [OK] to enter the password again.

    If you have not set the password, proceed to the following step.

  7. Press [Yes].

    The selected file is deleted.
