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Conditions for Bidirectional Communication

To support bidirectional communication, the following conditions must be met:

When connected with parallel cables

  • The computer must support bidirectional communication.

  • The interface cable must support bidirectional communication.

  • The machine must be connected to the computer using the standard parallel cables and parallel connectors.

  • [Enable bidirectional support] must be selected, and [Enable printer pooling] must not be selected on the [Ports] tab with the printer driver.

When connected with the network

  • The Standard TCP/IP port must be used.

  • [Enable bidirectional support] must be selected, and [Enable printer pooling] must not be selected on the [Ports] tab with the printer driver.

  • If the Standard TCP/IP port is not used, the following conditions must be met:

    • The TCP/IP protocol or the IPP protocol is used. (When using the IPP protocol, the IPP port name must include the IP address.)

    • [Enable bidirectional support] must be selected, and [Enable printer pooling] must not be selected on the [Ports] tab with the printer driver.

When connected with USB

  • The machine must be connected to the computer's USB port using the USB interface cable.

  • The computer must support bidirectional communication.
