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Received images

Here is an example of an Internet Fax document sent from this machine and received on a computer using the Outlook Express e-mail application.

The received image varies according to the e-mail application.


OS screen illustration numbered callout illustration

  1. E-mail transmitted without specifying a subject in “TX Mode”.

  2. E-mail transmitted with a subject specified in “TX Mode”.

  3. From

    The name (e-mail address) of the sender

  4. Date

    The date and time of e-mail transmission

  5. To

    The e-mail address of the recipient

  6. Subject

    Shows the subject specified in “TX Mode” at the time of transmission. If no subject is specified, one is automatically assigned in the format shown in 1 above.

  7. The message is inserted in all e-mail. “xxxx” is the machine name.

  8. Attachment File

    Any document included by the sender is displayed as an attached document.

