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Scan Settings

This section describes the user tools in the [Scan Settings] tab under [Scanner Features].

Next Original Wait Setting

When scanning multiple pages into a single file, you can select [Continuous Wait], [Off], or [Set Wait Time] as the standby mode for the additional originals.

If you press [Next Original Wait] when scanning originals, the machine waits indefinitely for additional originals, regardless of any other settings.

If you do not press [Next Original Wait], the settings you configure here determine the machine's performance as follows:

Default: [Set Wait Time], 60 second(s)

  • [Set Wait Time]

    The machine waits for additional originals until the pre-specified wait period elapses.

  • [Off]

    The machine does not wait for additional originals and sends the scan file immediately.

  • [Continuous Wait]

    The machine waits indefinitely for additional originals and [Next Original Wait] does not appear.