Skip header

Displaying top page

This section explains the how to display Web Printing Tool.

  1. Start your Web browser.

  2. Enter "http://(machine's address)/webprint/index.html" in the address bar of a Web browser.

    Top Page of Web Printing Tool appears.

    If the machine's host name has been registered on the DNS or WINS server, you can enter it.

    Application screen illustration numbered callout illustration

    1. Header area

      The area at the top of the Web Printing Tool page is called the header area. The following items appear in the header area.

      Application screen illustration

      [Help] button

      Click to display Help.

      Application screen illustration

      [Version Information] button

      Click to display Web Printing Tool version information.

      Application screen illustration

      [GL/2 & TIFF Initial Configuration] button

      Click to display the [GL/2 & TIFF Initial Configuration] page.

      Application screen illustration

      [System Log] button

      Click to display the [System Log] page.

    2. GL/2 & TIFF Print Settings

      The area at the top of the Web Printing Tool page is the GL/2 & TIFF Print Settings area.
