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Use the "ssh" command to view and configure the SSH settings.

View settings

msh> ssh

Data compression communication settings

msh> ssh compression {on|off}

The default is "on".

SSH/SFTP communication port setting

msh> ssh port [22, 1024-65535]

The default is 22.

SSH/SFTP communication timeout setting

msh> ssh timeout [0-65535]

The default is 300.

SSH/SFTP communication login timeout setting

msh> ssh logintimeout [0-65535]

The default is 300.

Setting an open key for SSH/SFTP

msh> ssh genkey {512|768|1024} "character string"

Create an open key for SSH/SFTP communication.

Usable characters are ASCII 0x20-0x7e (32 bytes) other than "0".

The default key length is 1024, and the character string is blank.

If you do not specify this parameter, an open key with the default value will be created.

Deleting open key for ssh/sftp communication

msh> ssh delkey
