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Auto E-mail Notification

1Log on to Web Image Monitor in administrator mode.

2Click [Configuration] in the menu area, and then click [Auto E-mail Notification] on the [Device Settings] area.

The dialog box for making notification settings appears.

3Make the following settings:

  • Notification Message: You can set this according to your needs, for example, the machine's location, service representative contact information.

  • Items in the Groups to Notify column: E-mail notification addresses can be grouped as required.

  • Items in the Select Groups/Items to Notify column: Select groups for each notification type, such as machine status and error.

    To make detailed settings for these items, click [Edit] next to [Detailed Settings of Each Item].

4Click [OK].

5Click [Logout].

6Quit Web Image Monitor.


  • For details about Web Image Monitor, see "Using Web Image Monitor".

  • For details about the settings, see Web Image Monitor Help.