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This section describes loading envelopes.


  • Only envelopes (1) and (2) as shown below are supported.

Envelope types

Supported/Not supported

Illustration of envelope types

Supported *1

Illustration of envelope types

Supported *1

Illustration of envelope types

Not supported

*1 Misfeeds might also occur when using envelopes (1) and (2) depending on the length and shape of the flaps.

To print on envelopes, load them on the bypass tray or in the Wide LCT, and be sure to specify the appropriate paper type. See “Copying from the Bypass Tray”, Copy and Document Server ReferenceIllustration indicating book format instructionsIllustration indicating instructions stored on a CD-ROM and “Setting Paper on the Bypass Tray”, Printer ReferenceIllustration indicating instructions stored on a CD-ROM.

Specifications for envelopes are as follows:

Metric version

Inch version


72 - 90 g/m2

19 - 24 lb.

Recommended weight and size

80 g/m2, 114 × 229 mm (C5/6)

80 g/m2, 114 × 162 mm (C6)

95 g/m2, 162 × 229 mm (C5)

24 lb., 41/8 × 91/2 (Com10)


  • Before loading envelopes, flatten their leading edges (the edge going into the machine) by running a pencil or ruler across them.

  • Some kinds of envelope might cause misfeeds, wrinkles or print poorly.

  • Print quality on envelopes may be uneven if parts of an envelope have differing thicknesses. Print one or two envelopes to check print quality.

  • In a hot and humid environment, the envelope might be output creased or improper printing quality.