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To edit machine properties already programmed

Use Web Image Monitor to edit information about the destination machine registered in the Address Book.

  1. Start a Web browser.

  2. Enter "http://(IPv4 address, IPv6 address or host name of this machine)/" in the address bar.

    The top page of Web Image Monitor is displayed.

  3. Click [Login], and then enter the Administrator's name and password.

  4. Click [Address Book] in the left pane.

    The Address Book is displayed.

  5. Click the radio button to the left of the machine you want to modify, and then click [Change].

    The [Change User] page appears.

  6. Set the properties for Internet Fax data format other than the mode selection.

    If you change the mode to "Simple Mode", you cannot set machine properties.

  7. Click [OK] at the upper or lower left of the screen.

    To cancel the setting, click [Cancel] at the upper or lower left of the screen.

    The Address Book is displayed.

  8. Close the Web browser.