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Function Compatibility

The combination chart given below shows which modes can be used together.

Blank: These modes can be used together.

×: These modes cannot be used together. The first mode selected will be the mode you are working in.

 : These modes cannot be used together. The second mode selected will be the mode you are working in.

The following shows the combinations of functions:

Illustration of function compatibility

Illustration of function compatibility

The following combinations are not possible.

*1 Top 2 of Staple with 2 Holes Left of Punch, Left 2 of Staple with 2 Holes Top of Punch, Top 1/Slant/Bottom 1 of Staple with 2 Holes Top of Punch, Center of Staple with 2 Holes Top of Punch

*2 Top 2 of Staple with Right Fold, Left 2 of Staple with Bottom Fold, Top 1/Bottom 1 of Staple with Bottom Fold, Slant of Staple with Bottom Fold, Center of Staple with Z-fold

*3 Left 2 of Punch with Bottom Fold, Top 2 of Punch with Right Fold

*4 Front Cover or Back Cover with 2 Sided 1 Sided

*5 Copy of Front Cover, Back Cover, or Designate with Print Side:Outside

*6 Stamps include Background Numbering, Preset Stamp, User Stamp, Date Stamp, Stamp Text, and Page Numbering.

*7 Preset Stamp, User Stamp, Date Stamp, Stamp text, or Page Numbering with Bypass Tray

*8 Multi-fold includes Half Fold, Letter Fold-in, Letter Fold-out, Double Parallel Fold, and Gate Fold.

*9 Background Numbering with Slip Sheet

*10 Top 1/Slant/Bottom 1/Left 2/Top 2 of Staple with Magazine