Skip headerPro 907/Pro 1107/Pro 1357

Linking the URL of the downloaded Help

You can link the URL of the Help file on a computer or Web server to the "?" button.

  1. Access Web Interface.

  2. In the menu area, click [Configurations/Jobs].

    The window for entering the login user name and password appears.

  3. Enter "system" in the user name box and the password for printer settings in the password box, and then click [OK].

    For the user name and password for printer settings, consult your administrator.

  4. In the sub menu, click [Printer Settings].

  5. In the [General Settings] menu, click [Add/Edit Bookmarks].

  6. In [URL target of Help [?] (upper right of the screen)], enter the entire path to the Help file.

    If you saved the Help file to "C:\HELP\EN", enter "file://C:/HELP/". For example, if you saved the file to a Web server, and the URL of the index file is "http://a.b.c.d/HELP/EN/index.html", enter "http://a.b.c.d/HELP/".

  7. Click [OK].
