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Scan Type

Select a scan type that is appropriate for your original.

[Black & White: Text]

Appropriate to increase OCR readability using an OCR-compliant application.

  • [Dropout Colour]

    You can select not to scan the following colors: [Chromatic Colour], [Red], [Green], and [Blue]. When you select a color to leave out of the scan, specify its level of coverage. There are five levels. Press [Narrow] to leave out colors that are closest to the specified color. Press [Wide] to broaden the coverage of the specified color and not scan those colors.

[B & W: Text / Line Art]

Standard black and white originals containing mainly characters. Creates scanned images suitable for printing.

[B & W: Text / Photo]

Originals containing a mixture of photographs, pictures, and characters (two-value). Creates scanned images suitable for printing.

[Black & White: Photo]

Originals containing photographs and other pictures (two-value). Creates scanned images suitable for printing.

[Gray Scale]

Originals containing photographs and other pictures (multi-value). Creates scanned images suitable for displaying on a computer screen.

[Full Colour: Text / Photo]

Originals for color printing mainly consisting of characters.

[Full Colour: Glossy Photo]

Originals of silver salt photographs and other color pictures.

[Auto Colour Select]

Scans originals by automatically judging the colors of the originals.


  • [Dropout Colour] can be set when [Black & White: Text] is selected for [Scan Type].

  • If [Auto Colour Select] is selected, the machine may fail to correctly judge colors depending on the scanning condition or the contents of originals.

  • If [High Compression PDF] is selected as the file type, you can select only [Gray Scale], [Full Colour: Text / Photo], or [Full Colour: Glossy Photo] for Scan Type.