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About Menu and Mode

There are two modes available with Web Image Monitor: guest mode and administrator mode.

Displayed Items may differ depending on the machine type.

Guest Mode

In the guest mode, machine status, settings, and print job status can be viewed, but the machine settings cannot be changed.

Web browser screen numbered callout illustration

  1. Home

    The [Status], [Device Info], [Counter], and [Inquiry] tab are displayed. Details of the tab menu are displayed on the work area.

  2. Document Server

    Displays files stored in the Document Server.

  3. Printer: Print Jobs

    Allows you to display list of Sample Print, Locked Print, Hold Print, and Stored Print jobs.

  4. Job

    Displays all print files.

  5. Configuration

    Displays current machine and network settings.

Administrator Mode

In the administrator mode, you can configure various machine settings.

Web browser screen numbered callout illustration

  1. Home

    The [Status], [Device Info], [Counter], and [Inquiry] tab are displayed. Details of the tab menu are displayed on the work area.

  2. Document Server

    Displays files stored in the Document Server.

  3. Printer: Print Jobs

    Allows you to display list of Locked Print, Sample Print, Hold Print, and Stored Print jobs.

  4. Job

    Displays all print files.

  5. Address Book

    User information can be registered, displayed, changed, and deleted.

  6. Configuration

    System settings for the machine, interface and security can be made.

  7. Reset Device

    Click to reset the printer. If a print job is being processed, the printer will be reset after the print job is completed. This button is located on Top Page.

  8. Reset Printer Job

    Click to reset current print jobs and print jobs in queue. This button is located on Top Page.