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For screen readerStandard Web browser page

Displaying Top Page

This section explains the Top Page and how to display Web browser.

  1. Launch the Web browser.

  2. In the Web browser's address bar, enter "http://(printer's IP address)/" to access the printer.

    If a DNS server is in use and the printer's host name has been specified, you can enter the host name instead of the IP address.

The displayed Web page is split into the following areas:

Web browser screen illustration numbered callout illustration

  1. Menu Area

    A menu appears.

    When you click an item in the menu area, information about the item appears.

  2. Tab area

    Details about each menu appears.

  3. Language Selection Menu

    Select a language.

    If the displayed page is garbled when using an English language operating system, select "English" with the language selection menu.

  4. Header area

    The link to the screen where you can check the firmware version and the link to the administrator log on screen appear here.

  5. Help

    The link to the displayed screen's help section appears here.

  6. Work Area

    Information about an item selected in the menu area appears here.

    Information displayed in the work area does not update automatically.

    To update the information, click [Refresh] in the upper-right corner of the work area.

    To refresh the entire Web browser window, click [Refresh] on the Web browser tool bar.