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Entering the path to the destination manually

You can enter the path to the destination folder manually.

  1. Press [Manual Entry].

    Operation panel screen illustration

  2. Press [SMB].

  3. Press [Manual Entry] on the right side of the path field.

    The soft keyboard appears.

  4. Enter the path for the folder.

    The following is an example of a path where the folder name is "user" and the computer name is "desk01": \\desk01\user.

    Instead of the computer name, you can also use its IPv4 address.

  5. Press [OK].

  6. Depending on the destination setting, enter the user name for logging on to the computer.

    Press [Manual Entry] to the right of the user name field to display the soft keyboard.

  7. Depending on the destination setting, enter the password for logging on to the computer.

    Press [Manual Entry] for the password to display the soft keyboard.

  8. Press [Connection Test].

    A connection test is performed to check whether the specified shared folder exists.

    If the message "Connection with PC has failed. Check the settings." appears, see "Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function", Troubleshooting.

  9. Check the connection test result, and then press [Exit].

  10. Press [OK].

