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Connecting to a Telephone Line

You can connect the machine to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) directly or through a private branch exchange (PBX).

Also, you can connect an external telephone to use the same telephone line for voice calls.


  • image: To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger telecommunication line cord.

  • image: Pour réduire le risque d'incendie, utilisez uniquement des No. 26 AWG ou plus grand cordon de télécommunication.


  • image: By law in the United States, you must program your phone number identification (your fax number) into your machine before you can connect to the public phone system.

  • Make sure the connector is the correct type before you start.

1Remove the cable cover.


2Connect a telephone line cord to LINE.


3If using an external telephone, connect the telephone to TEL.


4Pass the telephone line cord through the opening in the cable cover.


5Hook the tabs of the cable cover into the openings of the machine.


6Attach the cable cover in place.



  • After connecting the machine to the telephone line, configure the telephone network settings and fax reception mode.

  • If your telephone has functions that are not compatible with this machine, those functions will not be usable.

  • Confirm that you have registered user fax number and user name during Initial Setup. You can check the registered information in [User Settings] under [Admin Settings].
