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When Using the E-mail, Folder Sending, WSD Scanner, or Network Delivery Functions

This section explains the relationship between resolution and scan size when using the e-mail, Scan to Folder, WSD Scanner, or network delivery functions.

If [Type 3(B&W: Text)] or [Type 4(B&W: Photo)] is selected as the original type

All combinations up to A4 and Legal (81/2×14) and 600 dpi can be scanned.

If [Gray Scale] is selected as the original type

Refer to the table below for the maximum resolution available for each scan size.

Scan size and maximum resolution

Scan size

Maximum resolution (dpi)

A4, Legal (81/2×14), 81/2×13, Letter (81/2×11)


B5, A5, B6, A6, A7, 51/2×81/2


If [Type 1(Colour: Text)] or [Type 2(Colour: Photo)] is selected as the original type

Refer to the table below for the maximum resolution available for each scan size.

Scan size and maximum resolution

Scan size

Maximum resolution (dpi)

A4, B5, Legal (81/2×14), 81/2×13, Letter (81/2×11)


A5, B6, 51/2×81/2


A6, A7,



  • Enter B6, A6, and A7 sizes directly.

    • B6 (128 mm/5.0 inches × 182 mm/7.1 inches)

    • A6 (105 mm/4.1 inches × 148 mm/5.8 inches)

    • A7 (74 mm/2.9 inches × 105 mm/4.1 inches)