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Returning to the Previous Setting

"Previous Setting" means to return to the previous status before any changes.

1Press [Previous Setting].

When returning the auto color calibration of the copy function, press [Previous Setting] of the Copier Function. If returning the auto color calibration of the printer function, press [Previous Setting] of the Printer Function.

Operation panel screen illustration

2Press [Yes].

  • Copier Function

    Operation panel screen illustration

    The settings return to the previous contents.

  • Printer Function

    When returning the auto color calibration from the printer function, select test patterns from [Test Pattern 1 (600 multiplication 600 dpi)], [Test Pattern 2 (1800 multiplication 600 dpi)], [Test Pattern 3 (9000 multiplication 600 dpi)], or [Test Pattern 4 (1200 multiplication 1200 dpi)], and then press [Yes].

    Operation panel screen illustration

    The settings return to the previous status.