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Bypass Tray

Metric version

Imperial version

Paper sizes selected automatically

A3Landscape, A4Landscape, A5Landscape

11" × 17"Landscape, 81/2" × 11" (Letter)Landscape, 51/2" × 81/2" (Half Letter)Landscape

Paper sizes requiring manual setting

A4Portrait, A5Portrait, A6Landscape, B4 JISLandscape, B5 JISPortraitLandscape, B6 JISLandscape, 11" × 17"Landscape, 81/2" × 14" (Legal)Landscape, 81/2" × 13" (Foolscap)Landscape, 81/2" × 11" (Letter)PortraitLandscape, 81/4" × 13" (Folio)Landscape, 8" × 13" (F/GL)Landscape, 71/4" × 101/2" (Executive)PortraitLandscape, 51/2" × 81/2" (Half Letter)Landscape, 41/8" × 91/2"Portrait, 37/8" × 71/2"Portrait, C5 Env.Portrait, C6 Env.Portrait, DL EnvPortrait

Custom size: 90 to 305 mm in width, 148 to 600 mm in length

81/2" × 14" (Legal)Landscape, 81/2" × 13" (Foolscap)Landscape, 81/2" × 11" (Letter)Portrait, 81/4" × 13" (Folio)Landscape, 8" × 13" (F/GL)Landscape, 71/4" × 101/2" (Executive)PortraitLandscape, 41/8" × 91/2"Portrait, 37/8" × 71/2"Portrait, C5 Env.Portrait, C6 Env.Portrait, DL EnvPortrait, A3Landscape, A4PortraitLandscape, A5PortraitLandscape, A6Landscape, B5 JISPortraitLandscape, B4 JISLandscape, B6 JISLandscape

Custom size: 3.55" to 12.00" in width, 5.83" to 23.62" in length

