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Selecting a Sender by Searching the Delivery Server's Destination List

This section explains how to select a sender by searching the delivery server's Destination List.

  1. Press [Sender Name].

    Operation panel screen illustration

  2. Press [Search].

    Operation panel screen illustration

  3. To search by destination name, press [Name].

    To search by comment, press [Comment].

    The soft keyboard appears.

    You can also search by combining [Name] and [Comment].

  4. Enter the beginning of the sender's name.

    To search by comment, enter beginning of the comment.

  5. Press [OK].

  6. If necessary, press [Advanced Search] to specify the detailed search criteria, and then press [OK].

    By pressing [Advanced Search], you can search by [Name] and [Comment]. You can specify search criteria such as [Beginning Word] or [End Word]. You can refine your search using multiple criteria.

    Operation panel screen illustration

  7. Press [Start Search].

    Destinations that match the search criteria are displayed.

  8. Select the sender.

  9. Press [OK].


    • The Comment search function searches for destinations by comment information, which is a registration item required by the ScanRouter delivery software.

    • By pressing [Details], you can view details about the selected destinations.

    • Up to 100 items can be displayed as the search results.

    • By pressing [Advanced Search], the following criteria appear:

      • [Beginning Word]: The names which start with the entered character or characters are targeted.

        For example, to search for "ABC", enter "A".

      • [End Word]: The names which end with the entered character or characters are targeted.

        For example, to search for "ABC", enter "C".

      • [Exact Match]: The names which correspond to an entered character or characters are targeted.

        For example, to search for "ABC", enter "ABC".

      • [Include one Word]: The names which contain an entered character or characters are targeted.

        For example, to search for "ABC", enter "A", "B", or "C".

      • [Exclude Words]: The names which do not contain an entered character or characters are targeted.

        For example, to search for "ABC", enter "D".