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Installing Printer Utility for Mac

Follow these steps to install Printer Utility for Mac on the printer.

  1. Start the Macintosh.

  2. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    The CD-ROM icon appears.

  3. Double-click the CD-ROM icon.

    The contents of the CD-ROM appear.

  4. Double-click the [Mac OS 8 and 9] icon to open it.

    Under Mac OS X, double-click the [Mac OS X] folder.

  5. Double-click the [PS Utility] folder on the CD-ROM, and then drag the [Printer Utility for Mac] file, and then drop it into the Macintosh hard disk.

  6. Drag the CD-ROM icon and drop it into [Trash] to eject the CD-ROM.

    Printer Utility for Mac is installed.


    • Printer Utility for Mac is included on the CD-ROM labeled "Printer Drivers and Utilities".

    • Printer Utility for Mac requires Mac OS 8.1 or higher. (Mac OS X Classic environment is supported.)

    • Printer Utility for Mac cannot use Mac OS X (native mode).