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The printer clock can be synchronized with a NTP server clock using Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP). Use the "sntp" command to change SNTP settings.

View settings

msh> sntp

NTP server address configuration

You can specify the IP address of the NTP server.

msh> sntp server "IP_address"

Interval configuration

msh> sntp interval "polling_time"

  • You can specify the interval at which the printer synchronizes with the operator-specified NTP server. The default is 60 minutes.

  • The interval can be entered from 0, or between 16 and 10,080 minutes.

  • If you set 0, the printer synchronizes with the NTP server only when you turn the printer on. After that, the printer does not synchronize with the NTP server.

Time-zone configuration

msh> sntp timezone "+/-hour_time"

  • You can specify the time difference between the printer clock and NTP server clock. The values are between -12:00 and +13:00.