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Viewing and Deleting Spool Print Jobs

  1. Start SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin.

  2. On the [Group] menu, point to [Search Device], and then click [IPv4], [IPX/SPX] or [IPv4 SNMPv3].

    A list of printers using the selected protocol appears.

    Select the protocol of the printer whose configuration you want to change.

    If you are using IPv4 SNMPv3, enter the user authentication.

  3. Select a printer in the list, and then click [Spool Printing Job List(Printer)] on the [Tools] menu.

    A Web browser opens and the window for entering the login user name and password for the Web Image Monitor administrator appears.

  4. Enter the login user name and password, and then click [Login].

    For details about the login user name and password, consult your network administrator.

    [Spool Printing Job List] appears in the Web Image Monitor.

  5. Click [Logout].

  6. Quit Web Image Monitor.

  7. Quit SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin.

