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Checking the Printer Status

Follow the procedure below to check printer status.

  1. Start SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin.

  2. On the [Group] menu, point to [Search Device], and then click [IPv4], [IPX/SPX] or [IPv4 SNMPv3].

    A list of printers using the selected protocol appears.

    Select the protocol of the printer whose configuration you want to change.

    If you are using TCP/IP SNMP v3, enter the user authentication.

  3. To obtain status details, click the printer in the list, and then click [Open] on the [Device] menu.

    The printer status appears in the dialog box.

  4. Click [System] or [Printer].

    The printer status appears in the dialog box.

  5. Quit SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin.
