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PCL Setting

You can set conditions when using PCL for printing.


You can select the page orientation.

  • Portrait

  • Landscape

Default: Portrait

Form Lines

You can specify the number of lines per page between 5 and 128.


  • image : 64

  • image : 60

Font Source

You can set the location of the default font.

  • Resident

  • RAM

Default: Resident

When you select [RAM], you can select only fonts downloaded to the printer RAM.

Font Number

You can specify the ID of the default font you want to use.

  • 0 to 63

Default: 0

Point Size

You can specify the point size you want to use for the default font between 4 and 999.75 in 1 increments.

Default: 12.00 points

This setting is effective only for a variable-space font.

Font Pitch

You can specify the number of characters per inch you want to use for the default font between 0.44 and 99.99 in 0.01 increments.

Default: 10.00 pitch

This setting is effective only for fixed-space fonts.

Symbol Set

You can specify the character set for the default font. Available sets are as follows:

Roman-8, ISO L1, ISO L2, ISO L5, PC-8, PC-8 D/N, PC-850, PC-852, PC8-TK, Win L1, Win L2, Win L5, Desktop, PS Text, VN Intl, VN US, MS Publ, Math-8, PS Math, VN Math, Pifont, Legal, ISO 4, ISO 6, ISO 11, ISO 15, ISO 17, ISO 21, ISO 60, ISO 69, Win 3.0

Default: PC-8

Courier Font

You can select a courier-type font.

  • Regular

  • Dark

Default: Regular

Ext. A4 Width

You can extend the width of the printable area of A4 sheets reducing side margin width.

  • On

  • Off

Default: Off

Append CR to LF

You can specify whether or not to append a CR code to each LF code to print text data clearly.

  • On

  • Off

Default: Off


You can specify the print resolution in dots per inch.

  • 300 multiplication 300 dpi

  • 600 multiplication 300 dpi

  • 600 multiplication 600 dpi

Default: 600 multiplication 300 dpi


Specify the number of pages to print.

This setting is disabled if the number of pages to print is specified by the printer driver.

  • 1-999

Default: 1


Specify whether or not to print on both sides of a sheet.

  • Off

  • Short Edge Bind

  • Long Edge Bind

Default: Off

Blank Pages

Specify whether or not to print blank pages.

  • Print

  • Do not Print

Default: Print

Tray Switching

You can set to switch the paper tray.

  • Stay

  • Switch

Default: Stay

Prt. Err Report

Select this to have an error report printed when a printer or memory error occurs.

  • Off

  • On

Default: Off

Density Adjust.

You can adjust the density of the printing color.

  • Light

  • Normal

  • Dark


  • image : Normal

  • image : Dark